Ingl茅s, Clase, Lecci贸n, Sal贸n De Clases


馃憠Incorporate the Internet into the language classroom.

馃憠Improve communication and knowledge sharing among students.

馃憠Use in cross-cutting projects.

馃憠Encourage critical thinking, since not everything would be valid for the project.

馃憠Create activities that motivate and engage so that they present authentic tasks and students grasp real and useful knowledge.







Image references: Tumisu, English [Imagen]. Recuperado de https://pixabay.com/es/photos/ingl%c3%a9s-clase-lecci%c3%b3n-4729683/



  1. Hi there, Ana!

    I enjoiyed reading your entries. One of the things I liked the most about your blog, apart from the design is that you made an introduction of yourself and also you explained the objectives of having this kind of blogs.

    Furthermore , I also noticed that you divided the different activities in different posts and each post refers to a specific language skill.

    I have just checked out your writing activity and the hangman game. It's working properly and I think it's engaging and fun for working with it in a classroom for vocabulary for instance.

    Nice work, keep it up!

    1. Hello Daniel!
      Thank you so much for your comment, I also posted one on your Scratch activity, which I think is fantastic for combining all the skills, amazing.
      Very good work.

  2. Hi Ana!

    I really liked your blog and all its entries, which are greatly organized. Also its design is elegant and very clear.

    It is very interesting and useful that you have included a brief description of yourself, in addition to having created a specific entry to reflect the objectives that you have set for yourself with the creation of the blog. So cool!

    Of course, all the activities that you are included to your blog for work each language skill are original and enjoyable. Good job!

    Kind regards!

  3. Hello Mar铆a!
    Thank you very much for your comment, they are constructive criticisms that will help me to improve in future activities. Your activity is fantastic and works on reading and writing skills perfectly. I have done the activity myself to try it out and I really liked the birthday text.

    Best regards!

  4. Congratulations, I love the way you have designed the blog, it's very attractive and easy to navigate.
    I love out your writing activity and the hangman game.
    Well done on the work you've done, and I hope you continue with this blog as your ideas are excellent.
    Best regards!

  5. Hello Ana!
    I’m Clara Garcia and I’ve browsed through your blog and I think you did a very good job.
    First of all, I’ve seen a hangman exercise created with genially in which students can practice their writing skills. I like it because it’s engaging and very visual.
    Then you’ve designed a listening comprehension activity with genially also and I’m sure your pupils would find it useful to reinforce their listening skills.
    Regarding the reading activity, I enjoyed it because it’s very down to earth. Here students will have the chance to revise the vocabulary of the unit with real pictures.
    Finally, I’ve browsed through the speaking part and the thing I liked the most is the design, the style is appropriate regarding the topic of the unit design.

    Clara Garc铆­a Agull贸


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