Niño, Jugar, Estudiar, Color, Aprender

To present a Hangman game in English in a classroom you can follow these steps:

  1. Preparation before they use the genially individually:
  • Prepare the board.
  • Draw a series of dashes to represent the letters of the word to be guessed.
  • Make a list of English words that the pupils can guess and choose one to start the game.

      2. Explanation of the game:

  • Explain the basic rules of the Hangman game in English.
  • Tell the students that they have to guess an English word letter by letter.
  • Explain that they have a limited number of attempts to guess the word before the picture of the hangman is completed.

     3. Selection of the first player:

  • Choose the first player randomly or by some method you prefer, such as a question or a short game.

    4.Playing the game:

  • The first player chooses a letter in English and says it out loud.
  • Check if the letter is present in the word being guessed.
  • If the letter is in the word, write the letter in the corresponding places in the dashes.
  • If the letter is not in the word, draw a part of the hanged man's body on the board.
  • Continue with the next player and repeat the above steps.

    5.End of the game:

  • The game ends when the pupils guess the word before the picture of the hangman is completed or when the picture of the hangman is completed.
  • You can decide whether pupils have a set number of attempts or whether they continue until the word is guessed or the hangman's drawing is completed.

    6.Begin the Genially:

  • Once you have worked on the Hangman game as a large class group, you can click on the following link and play it individually.

Remember that the hangman game is a playful and educational activity, so you can adapt the rules according to your preferences and the needs of the class. Make sure you create a fun and engaging environment so that students can enjoy the game while practising their English vocabulary.

To practice writing  we can use Hangman game test made from any presentation such as "Genially". 

Below is my example:


👉Writing activity 👈


Image references: Tumisu, English [Imagen] (2015). Recuperado de https://pixabay.com/es/photos/ni%c3%b1o-jugar-estudiar-color-aprender-865116/




  1. Hi Ana,
    Thank you for sharing you blog with us. I found your blog very clear, with nice colours and organization, so that means that is very intuitive and appropiate for the kids. The four original activities that we are meant to do are in here, so I think is perfect. Also I love that all the activities that you have shared have very detailed explanations, so in case a teacher doesn't know how to take the activity into the class, with the clarifications you made is easy to do and follow. Moreover I have to say that using the Hangman game to review the vocabulary in a second language is very useful.
    Great job! (:

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello Ana, thank you for sharing your blog. I think this activity "Hangman" is very good and it is explained very well and clear. I will definetely be using it in my English class when teaching my students new vocabulary as it promotes collaboration, if played in groups, and is a funny way of learning. Thanks

  4. Hello Ana.
    Thank you very much for sharing this resource to improve writing. Normally, teachers use more traditional resources that end up boring the students and we are unable to maintain motivation in them.
    The explanation of the activity is clear and thanks to this I will be able to apply it in my future classes. And the name Hangman sounds very appealing.
    Please keep posting, see you soon!!

  5. Great job on creating a Hangman game activity! It's an interactive and engaging way to practice English vocabulary in the classroom. Your clear step-by-step instructions make it easy for both the teacher and students to understand and follow along.

    I like how you emphasized the preparation before the game, such as drawing the dashes to represent the word and selecting a list of English words for the students to guess. This helps create a structured and organized game environment.

    Your explanation of the game rules is concise and to the point. By explaining that the students have to guess an English word letter by letter and the consequences of incorrect guesses, you ensure that everyone understands the objective and consequences of the game.

    I appreciate that you included the option to select the first player randomly or by using a method of your choice. This adds an element of surprise and fairness to the game.

    Furthermore, your instructions for playing the game are clear and easy to follow. The process of checking if the letter is present in the word and either writing it in the corresponding places or drawing a part of the hanged man's body is well-described.

    Finally, the mention of using an online tool like Genially to continue practicing writing skills is a great idea. It allows students to play the Hangman game individually and reinforces their vocabulary knowledge.

    Overall, your Hangman game activity is well-structured and provides an enjoyable way for students to practice their English vocabulary. Your attention to detail and suggestions for adaptation make it adaptable to different classroom needs. Keep up the great work!


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