Niños, Mesa De Trabajo, Atardecer

Presenting a speaking test created with a presentation tool such as Genially in a primary school classroom requires an approach adapted to the students. Here are some steps that will help us to present it effectively:

  1. We can set a context: explaining to pupils that they will have the opportunity to demonstrate their speaking skills in a fun and interactive way. Emphasise that they will use music as a means of communication.
  2. Introduce it in the music classroom: Introduce the concept of the music classroom, explaining that it is a virtual space where they can explore different musical elements and express them orally.
  3. If they are not familiar with Genially: Spend a few minutes introducing them to the basic guidelines.
  4. We include the time limits, the number of questions and how the answers should be recorded.
  5. We clarify any doubts to make sure everyone is in agreement before starting the test.
  6. Finally we give them tips for speaking: Share with the students some tips and strategies for speaking. Encourage them to speak clearly, to use complete sentences and to express their thoughts and feelings about music. Model good speaking habits and provide examples of appropriate responses.
  7. Once this is done, give them access to the Genially presentation and tell them to get started.

By following these steps, you will be able to effectively present the speaking test created with Genially to your students, making sure they understand the format, instructions and steps to follow.

Below is my example:


👉Music Room Speaking test 👈


Image references: Syaibatulhamdi. Kids talk [Fotografía] (2020). Recuperado de


  1. Dear Ana,
    What a wonderful blog you have created! It's visually attractive, and the fact that your entries are not one below another makes it better to navigate trhough it.
    I would like to highlight the speaking acitivity you have posted, because I have not seen something like that before. It is really original and motivating for students, not so classical as the oral activities we are used to see. Good job!
    Cristina Hilario

  2. Congratulations, Ana! You have created an excelent blog for Primary School! It is very interactive and useful for speaking skill, as you have focused on debates and other oral activities which improve this complex skill.
    Thank you very much!

  3. Ana, I find this activity very motivating for children and I think I could copy it in my classes. Congratulations I loved your blog and your way of presenting the activities

  4. Hello Ana,
    After seeing your blog, I have been able to get a lot of ideas about activities for ICT in primary education. You have a very careful and interesting blog. It is very engaging and a pleasure to read.

    Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us.

  5. Good afternoon Ana. I absolutely love this Music Room. It is a great way to make the students learn a lot while they are having tons of fun. This could be the beginning of new pop artists.

  6. Good morning Ana. I think your idea about the Music Room is amazing to make the students enjoy and be creative while they develop different skills in the ESL classroom.
    Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  7. Hi Ana, congratulations, your Music Room is an excellent tool for kids to enjoy while they practice and learn how to speak english. You chose each detail kindly and we can perceived easily. Im sure most of your classmates we can use this activity in our classroom. I liked a lot the tips for speaking, so interesting Ana. Congrats.
    Kinds regads.

  8. You've done a fantastic job in creating an engaging speaking test using Genially! Your thoughtful approach in presenting the test shows a deep understanding of the needs and interests of primary school students.

    By setting a context at the beginning, you effectively capture the students' attention and make them enthusiastic about showcasing their speaking abilities. The incorporation of music as a means of communication adds a playful and creative element to the test, making it even more enjoyable for the students.

    Introducing the music classroom as a virtual space is a brilliant concept that helps students grasp the idea of exploring different musical elements and expressing themselves orally in a unique setting. This approach allows for a dynamic and interactive experience that enhances their engagement.

    I appreciate your consideration in explaining the basic guidelines of Genially, particularly for those students who may not be familiar with the platform. By ensuring their understanding and comfort, you create an inclusive environment that sets them up for success.

    Including important details such as time limits, the number of questions, and instructions for recording answers demonstrates your commitment to clarity and fairness. Students will appreciate having a clear understanding of what is expected of them, allowing them to prepare adequately.

    Taking the time to address any doubts or questions before starting the test is a crucial step in ensuring that all students feel confident and on the same page. This proactive approach fosters a supportive atmosphere, empowering students to perform at their best.

    Your provision of tips and strategies for speaking is commendable, as it equips students with valuable tools to enhance their oral expression. Emphasizing clear speech, complete sentences, and the ability to convey thoughts and feelings about music encourages effective communication and fosters their linguistic development.

    Lastly, providing students with access to the Genially presentation and encouraging them to begin the test with confidence is a wonderful way to conclude the instructions. It enables students to dive into the test feeling well-informed and ready to demonstrate their speaking skills.

    Overall, your student-centered approach to presenting the speaking test with Genially is truly praiseworthy. Your careful planning, clear instructions, and emphasis on engagement and support make this test an exciting and interactive experience for the students. Well done!

  9. Carmen María Díaz Sáez22 de mayo de 2023, 14:45

    Hello, Ana!

    It's incredible the way that you match Genially with Education. If we make this type of activities in class, the motivation of our students would increase incredibly.

    As teachers we need to learn how to use tools as Genially and how to incorporate it in our daily routine. You show an easy way to do it, and, from my point of view, it is the goal of this types of blogs.

    Thank you very much, Ana!!


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